15 Vacation Memes to Get You Thinking About Summer

When summer starts rolling around, employees usually start thinking about two words: vacation days. So many things to do and so little vacation time means doing everything you can to recharge your batteries. Whether vacation means spending the day at the beach (reading vacation memes) or simply having nothing to do all day and just relaxing, doing what makes you happy is what vacations are all about.

If you relate to these funny work memes, then it may be time to start planning your summer vacation. Here are 15 vacation memes to get you starting to think of your own vacation time and enjoying the summer.

1) Now you’re talking!

15 Vacation Memes - "I'm in desperate need of a 6-month vacation twice a year."

“I’m in desperate need of a 6-month vacation twice a year.”

2) Vacation memes that I can relate to.

15 Vacation Memes - "Eat. Beach. Sleep. Repeat."

“Eat. Beach. Sleep. Repeat.”

3) Go big or go home.

15 Vacation Memes - "When you tell your boss how many vacation days you want."

“When you tell your boss how many vacation days you want.”

4) “See ya…suckers!”

15 Vacation Memes - "How you leave work the day your vacation starts!"

“How you leave work the day your vacation starts!”

5) Me too…

15 Vacation Memes - "Vacation. Now that's a word I haven't used in a long time."

“Vacation. Now that’s a word I haven’t used in a long time.”

6) “Get outta my way! Vacation memes coming through.”

15 Vacation Memes - "Me leaving work the day before vacation."

“Me leaving work the day before vacation.”

7) Drop the mic.

15 Vacation Memes - "My vacation starts now...madafackaaa!"

“My vacation starts now…madafackaaa!”

8) Hate when that happens on vacation memes.

15 Vacation Memes - "When you bring your girl on vacation with your homie and he suddenly becomes a comedian."

“When you bring your girl on vacation with your homie and he suddenly becomes a comedian.”

9) Even worse when each one is posted on Instagram.

15 Vacation Memes - "When ur just trying to relax on vacation but she's got you posing for a picture every 4 minutes."

“When ur just trying to relax on vacation but she’s got you posing for a picture every 4 minutes.”

10) Not on my watch, friend…

15 Vacation Memes - "When your friend goes on vacation...and owes you money."

“When your friend goes on vacation…and owes you money.”

11) Vacation memes oversharing 101.

15 Vacation Memes - "Oh, so you're on vacation? Your last 500 posts told me nothing about it."

“Oh, so you’re on vacation? Your last 500 posts told me nothing about it.”

12) The night before is the worst.

15 Vacation Memes - "There need to be sympathy cards for having to go back to work after vacation."

“There need to be sympathy cards for having to go back to work after vacation.”

13) I feel ya.

15 Vacation Memes - "My face when my staff says 'we got your back while you're on vacation!'"

“My face when my staff says ‘we got your back while you’re on vacation!'”

14) If only it were that easy!

15 Vacation Memes - "You get a vacation! And you get a vacation! Everybody gets a vacation!"

“You get a vacation! And you get a vacation! Everybody gets a vacation!”

15) Let’s get this party started!

15 Vacation Memes - "Vacation: Engage."

“Vacation: Engage.”

I hope you enjoyed these funny vacation memes!


Please share these vacation memes and start thinking about summer vacation with your friends and family.