Dogs love to protect children and together they are the best of friends. The unconditional love that dogs provide to babies and children is heartwarming and when children and dogs play together, it creates priceless moments for parents.
Some dog breeds are more affectionate than others but children who are lucky enough to grow up with a dog will have a best friend that will always be there for them. The following 14 photos feature dogs and children sharing special moments that will melt your heart.
1) Dogs and babies are the sweetest things ever.

2) A kiss on the forehead is a good argument about why kids need pets.

3) Big dogs and small kids.

4) A tiny walk in the park.

5) A dog meeting the new baby for the first time.

6) Dogs and babies = Two smiling faces.

7) Dogs make great babysitters!

8) Dogs and babies go together like peanut butter and jam!

9) Two peas in a pod.

10) Labradors are great with kids.

11) It’s a great morning when you wake up next to these two.

12) One word: Adorable.

13) It melts your heart.

14) These two were meant for each other.

Dogs and babies are two of the cutest things on earth and to see them together instantly brings a smile to your face. Please share these adorable dogs and children who are best of friends your friends and family.