Learning how to tie a tie is an important life skill for any young man. When I was younger, my dad would always make sure that I had my necktie tied properly before leaving the house. Not only does it look good but it also helps to earn respect from others around us. The first knot most guys learn is usually called the “Full Windsor” which is arguably one of the most classic and popular styles.

YouTuber Alex Krasny demonstrates a variety of necktie tying techniques and we picked 12 of the most popular styles. If you’d like to view more styles, please visit Alex’s YouTube channel or his website which includes difficulty levels and style details for each of these necktie knot styles.
1) How to Tie a Tie – Full Windsor Necktie Knot.
In addition to the video, I’ll explain this one since it’s a popular style. For a Half Windsor, start by placing the necktie around your neck so that the wide end hangs about 12 inches below the narrow end. Then, cross the wide end over the narrow end and bring it up through the loop around your neck. Next, pull the wide end down and pass it under the narrow end, and then bring it back up over the top. Finally, tuck the wide end of the necktie underneath the loop around your neck and pull it tight.
2) Glennie Double Necktie Knot
3) Onassis Necktie Knot
4) Van Wijk Necktie Knot
5) Krasny Hourglass Necktie Knot
6) How to Tie a Necktie into a Bow Tie.
7) Four in Hand Necktie Knot
8) How to Tie a Necktie Merovingian or Ediety Necktie Knot.
9) Trinity Necktie Knot
10) Cape Necktie Knot
11) Pratt Necktie Knot
12) Eldredge Necktie Knot
H/t: Agree or Die
Please share these incredible styles and techniques for tying a necktie with your friends and family.