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The internet meme. While the term ‘internet meme’ was first coined by Mike Godwin in a June 1993 issue of Wired. While there is some debate about the first meme, internet memes vary from everything from funny memes to memes about pop culture, the day of the week, and everything in between.
While you can say that all memes are technically funny memes, only the best memes can truly become classic funny memes. We did the heavy lifting for you and scoured the interweb for the funniest memes ever. Here is my collection of 101 funny memes to help bring a smile to your day.
1) Let the funny memes begin!

“How you look when you wake up & the charger wasn’t plugged in.”
2) There’s also a 50% chance you’ll enjoy the following funny memes!

“There’s a 50% chance these are full of buttons.”
3) Moist funny memes? Anyone? Anyone?

“May your turkey be moist and may no one use that word to describe it.”
4) Do you know what doesn’t stink? Funny memes.

“Ha, ha!! Now your pee stinks!”
5) Funny memes for dummies.

“How to Even for Dummies.”
6) Maybe he stares at the funny memes on your computer.

“This albino squirrel comes to our door and rubs its nipples and just stares at us.”

“I’m a unicorn!”

“Babe, are you mad?? No! Are you sure baby? Yes! Can you smile for me?”

“One of my bar guests was rude, obnoxious, and kept complaining about her ‘weak drinks’. Didn’t write ‘thank you’ on her check.”

11) Give it up for funny memes!

“Why couldn’t the bike stand on its own? Because it’s two-tired.”

“When you show somebody a picture on your phone and they start scrolling.”
13) While you’re at it, share these funny memes on Facebook right meow!

“Get those reports for me right meow.”

“I’m sorry for what I said when I was hangry.”
15) Funny memes also go with literally everything.

“We go together like avocado and literally everything.”

“I did not hit her. Change my mind. Oh, hi Mark.”

“Chemistry puns? I’m in my element.”

“When you get kicked out of the bar, sneak back in, and the bouncer sees you but he doesn’t do anything. You are a good man. Thank you.”

“Come in here and say that again. I’ll f**k yr s**t up dry boy. Leg-havin a** land b***h.”
20) Funny memes that hurt.


“I’m condescending. That means I talk down to you.”

“When you’re cooking & the recipe says ‘chill in the fridge for one hour’.”

“How can u eat these precious creatures????? Is this rhetorical or are you looking for recipes??”
24) I’m not bragging either but these are some dank funny memes!

“I am so humble. I’m not bragging but I just wanna thank God I went from living paycheck to paycheck to saving up enough money to purchase a data plan that allowed me to download this picture.”

“When you die of anxiety over something that ended up fine. Ah fuk.”

“My doctor. Mother answering questions for me. Me.”
27) Funny memes have gone to the doge.

“Wow. Much cake. Such delishus. Do want. Good filled. Such sponge. So cream. Amaze. Wow.”

“Don’t worry, I have everything under control.”

“$25 + $5 shipping. $30 free shipping.”


“And then I say to her, I say, ‘no, I got your nose’.”

“Try Taco Bell breakfast they said. It’ll be good they said.”

“Gersberms. Mah bravrit berks. (Translation: Goosebumps, my favorite books).”

“Me: Sees a fluffy dog. Me to me: Steal him.”

“I’m sorry sir, without your wife’s PIN number, I can’t access the account. It’s 4287.”
36) Relatable funny memes.

“I want to sit and read outside but there’s a glare on my iPad screen.”

“When u have a question for ur mom but she’s on the phone so u follow her silently waiting for her to end the call.”
38) Time for funny memes?

“Friend: What time is it? Me:”

“Not sure if both lines of text need to say something relevant or lorem ipsum sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit sed do.”
40) Dank funny memes will do that.

“Me. Responsibilities. Dank memes.”

“When you’re going a very reasonable speed and someone beeps at you.”

“Woke up today. It was terrible.”
43) Funny memes are everything.

“He doesn’t have a car but he is happy. Money is not everything.”

“My favorite frequency is 50,000Hz. You’ve probably never heard it before.”
45) Hot funny memes.

“Hot Pockets Tide Pods sandwiches. The forbidden fruit.”
46) Funny memes…engage.

“When I turn the A/C off to have more power in my car. How it really is. What it feels like. Convert all power from the life support to the main thrusters.”

“If it fits, I sits.”

“Watching a new TV show. Watching The Office again. Me.”

“2018 Super Bowl selfie kid: ‘Who is Justin Timberlake’.”

51) You’ll never feel out of touch with these funny memes.

“Am I out of touch? No, it’s the children who are wrong.”

“When ur driving to a concert and u listen to the band ur on your way to see.”

“Me watching myself do the bare minimum to get through life. You’re doing amazing sweetie.”
54) Pumped up funny memes.

“And for the lady what drink can we get you? Me: a beer.”

“The look you give your friend when he says ‘take this exit’ and you’re in the left lane.”

“When you tell your mate to look at the person behind them but don’t make it obvious.”
57) I love to sleep but love funny memes more.

“I love sleep because it’s a time machine to breakfast.”

“Me: 911, what’s your emergency? Caller: Help, there are 2 armed men in my home. Me: LOL, so. If there were 3 armed men THAT’D be crazy. Like mutants.”
59) Relatable funny memes.

“Minecraft in real life.”

61) I’m luvin these funny memes!

“I don’t always go to McDonald’s but when I do, I’m luvin it.”

“My charger. My phone is at 2%. Me.”

“Me: *opens laptop*. FBI Agent: Oh, he’s finally gonna do his homework. Me: *Opens up Netflix and disappoints yet another person in my life*.

“When people ask me how life is going.”

“When you hit your pinky toe on the leg of the couch.”

“Him: What kind of cake do you want for the wedding? Me:”

“When ur deleting songs u don’t listen to anymore and u come across that song that’s been in your playlist since day 1.”

“The roof console in my truck fell down yesterday and it was as shocked as I was.”

“Saw everyone posting these 2009 vs 2019 pics so here’s mine.”


“Barber: ‘Whoever cut your hair last really messed it up’. It was him.”

“When she’s funny, sexy, and single and I’m like…You psychotic ain’t you?”
73) Funny memes are power!

“Family: Why are you on your phone all the time? Me: I like to stay up to date on world news. Knowledge is power! My phone: 5 Little SHREK jumping on the bed.”

“When you finally catch the dude who’s been putting snakes in your boots.”

“Stop killing volcanoes to make lava lamps.”

“Some of y’all have never had your siblings chase you around the house with a knife when your parents were gone for hours at a time and it really shows.”

“Would you be a stay-at-home husband if your wife was making 12 million a year? Me:”

“My heart. Resting. Exercising. When somebody toucha your spaghetti.”

“When you’re in the hospital thinking you got a small fever but the cast of The Avengers come in full costume to visit you.”

“Nobody gives a f***.”

“*On a first date* Ok, don’t let them know I stalked them online. Them: My aunt–. Me: Theresa or Sharon?”

“I’m so angry I stitched this just so I could stab something 3,000 times.”

“I’ve taken like 20 selfies with the Google Arts & Culture app and gotten this horrifying guy as my top result EVERY SINGLE TIME. Who do I sue?”
84) Funny memes…lmao.

“Adding ‘lmao’ does not hide your hurt. Yes, it does lmao.”

“When the teacher asks who is presenting next.”

“The world will know pro-pain.”

“Them: So how’s your diet going? Me: You know, good days & bad days.”

“Me: My wife left me, I lost my job, life sucks, what am I doing wrong? Dentist: *rips off therapist costume* IT’S BECAUSE YOU DON’T FLOSS.”
89) Welcome back, funny memes.

“You there Friday! You sexy son of a b***h, welcome back! We’ve been looking for you since Monday.” Friday memes or Monday memes anyone?

“Lightly hitting a sibling:”

“This is a ship-shipping ship, shipping shipping ships.”

“The most ignored labels of all time. 1) Do not consume raw cookie dough. 2) Harmful if put in mouth or swallowed.”

“When your Uber driver is trying to get a 5-star rating.”
94) More funny memes?

“Boss: This is the third time you’ve been late to work this week. Do you know what that means? Me: It’s Wednesday?” Wednesday memes anyone?

“What did one coffee say to the other coffee? Where ya bean?”
96) Looking at funny memes that is.

“When you go to the bathroom to look at memes. 1-hr poo.”
97) Funny memes always win.

“Who would win? An American reality TV star who has 120 million followers on Instagram. One eggy boi.”

“When you eat acid and try and join in on a sober conversation. Hmm, yes. The floor here is made out of the floor.”

“When you’re giving kudos to your friend for his performance as the lead role in an autobiographical film about him.”
100) Hope you enjoyed these funny memes but…

“When you’re just chilling naked with bae after sex.”
101) …Unfortunately, we have come to the end of funny memes.

“Love yourself.”
Please share these hilariously funny memes with your friends and family.