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Thanksgiving reminds us that family is one of the most important things in life. We should celebrate our love of family every day of the year and give thanks for friends and family that makes our lives that more enjoyable.
Baby animals and their families are no different than human families and they too take being part of a family seriously. In fact, they are prime examples of what a family should be: caring, honest, supportive, and loving.
1) Giraffes taking care of their young calf.
2) Gorillas and their infant.
3) A tree frog and her young ones.
4) A family of gophers in a group hug. Cute baby animals!
5) A family of squirrels getting ready for a family portrait. Smile!
6) A lion and lioness caring for their little cubs.
7) Young seals enjoying the water.
8) A grizzly bear and young cubs learning the ropes.
9) Beautiful huskies with their young one.
10) Cats celebrating their new litter of kittens.
11) Chimpanzees caring for their infant. Mother chimp received flowers…awww 
12) A meerkat embracing her pups.
13) Father and mother swans taking their cygnets for a relaxing swim.
14) A family of penguins watching over their little chick.
15) A family of black bears being safe.
16) A mother sheep spending time with her little lambs.
17) A polar bear enjoying the weather with her cubs.
18) Gorgeous German Shepherds with their equally gorgeous puppies.
19) A family of elephants caring for their calf.
20) A beautiful buck and doe walking in the forest with their fawn.
Family and good health are the most important things in the world and these animals demonstrate what family is all about…love. These baby animals and their families are loving creatures that should be taken care of.
Please share these precious baby animals and their families showing us what being a family is all about with your friends and family.